Analytics & AI

Woni - Intelligent & Trustworthy

Artificial Intelligent (AI) platform for Enterprise

Free your staffs from boring tasks. Work better with AI power

Bringing desired outcomes to you
worldfone ai

Intelligent & AI-powered

Empowers businesses with intelligent and AI-powered capabilities Increase operational efficiency, stay competitive, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and achieve sustainable growth


Efficiency & productivity

Automates repetitive tasks, streamlines processes, and augments human capabilities. Lead to higher levels of efficiency and productivity


Personalized customer services

Analyze customer data, preferences, and behavior to provide tailored experiences and proactive support, ultimately benefiting businesses

01.e-KYC for Business

e-KYC for Business

Verify your customer identity online for safer transactions with our newest AI technology.

02.Voice / Face Biometrics

Voice / Face Biometrics

Identify your users by their face/voice with AI supports.

worldfone ai
worldfone ai
03.Chatbot - Callbot

Chatbot - Callbot

Auto-respond to customer’s messages with AI-powered chatbot/call bot.

04.QCAI Quality Control AI

QCAI Quality Control AI

Auto-respond to customer’s messages with AI-powered chatbot/call bot.

worldfone ai
worldfone ai
05.Voice Analytics
Voice Analytics
AI automation (chatbot, email bot, SMS bot), Mobile app.
Great customer service
for every business size
Quality tech is available, and accessible to organizations of all sizes
Trusted by 5.000+ business

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